Nashville Teacher Residency joins a national initiative aspiring to increase student access to well-prepared teachers who reflect the communities they serve throughout the United States.
Launched in September 2019, BEI supports the recruitment, preparation, and retainment of educators through our national network of teacher residency members. In its initial five-year run, BEI surpassed its goal, supporting more than 1,300 teacher residents toward becoming educators.
With a new philanthropic commitment of $40 million, BEI will continue its work in Phase 2 of the initiative by directing funds toward innovative programming focused on the recruitment, preparation, and eventual hiring and retention of 2,400 additional educators. Phase 2 will continue BEI’s commitment to its core mission of supporting and empowering teacher residents from underrepresented and historically undersupported communities who are in reflection of the students in the schools the teacher residents will serve.
-National Center for Teacher Residencies
BEI Investments At a Glance
Scholarships, stipends, and other incentive funds to support teacher residents’ full participation in the yearlong residency experience
Provide consulting and training support for mentor teachers of teacher residents
Increased induction support, including job search assistance, alumni networks, and professional development for graduates
Memberships to professional development and networking organizations
Increased mentor stipends to attract experienced, effective teachers as mentors of teacher residents
Mental health and social-emotional learning supports
Learn more about NCTR’s BEI at
You can read about the progress of BEI by reviewing the Annual Report at